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Old 05-21-2017, 05:18 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Chapter Five

The doorway behind him now sealed by the explosion, the man had little choice other than to make his way to the top of the watchtower. Climbing up the staircase, he opened the door at the top and stepped outside. Almost immediately, the IME helicopter passed over him, firing a barrage of lasers at his position. Dodging the gunfire to the best of his ability, the man then quickly mounted the watchtower’s laser turret, and fired back at the helicopter. Within moments, the helicopter had exploded, the remains of it’s flaming frame bursting apart as it came crashing down on top of the garrison. The man then turned his attention to the soldiers across the battlefield, firing on them with reckless abandon. Before he could do much damage, however, a soldier with a rocket launcher began to fire back at the watchtower. Though the structure was reinforced, and the soldier’s aim was far from accurate, the blasts still tore large holes through the watchtower, and eventually it began to collapse. The man abandoned the turret, jumping off of the tower as it became little more than rubble, landing on a section of the compound’s wall.

Meanwhile the woman was taking a moment to briefly admire a piece of machinery that she had found in the hanger, alongside many other vehicles and devices that had been seized by the IME forces in their fight against the rebels. The one that caught her eye had been the creation of a friend of hers, one that she had thought long destroyed after her friend had been captured and executed months ago. It was a weapon, an extremely powerful and highly mobile tank, designed to be in the shape of the creator’s favorite animal. Opening the concealed hatch, she entered the machine, taking a seat as she examined the control panel. For a moment, the woman wondered why the IME forces hadn’t made use of such a weapon. However, she soon smiled as she remembered that the creator had implemented a powerful security system, preventing anyone from using the weapon unless they had the encryption key. Naturally, having been a good friend of the creator, she remembered the key quite well, as it was the name of the creator’s favorite album. Entering it in, she activated the tank’s weapons systems. It let out a roar as it took a step forward, destroying the hangar’s door with a massive laser before stepping out onto the battlefield.

Standing up, the man smiled as he brushed dust off of his jacket. Looking to the side, he saw a group of soldiers exiting the watchtower on the other end of the wall, lifting their weapons as they ran towards him. The man reached for his pistol, only to find that he had lost it after jumping from the watchtower. The soldiers fired a few shots at him, prompting him to raise his hands in the air. Realizing that he was unarmed, the soldiers smiled as they approached him and prepared to arrest him. The motorcyclists were both quite well known among the IME forces in the city, and the soldier’s superiors would surely reward them well for the capture of one of them. As one of the soldiers stepped up to the man and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, another IME helicopter flew onto the scene, pointing a spotlight at him as it pulled in close. The man closed his eyes, and prepared to meet his fate.

Suddenly, a gigantic laser blast cut through the night, tearing the helicopter to pieces as it knocked it away. As the soldiers looked around in bewilderment, a frightening synthesized roar surged across the battlefield. All at once, a massive metallic tiger leapt forward towards the wall, crushing many soldiers on the battlefield beneath it’s feet. Roaring once again, it fired another blast from it’s gaping maw, disintegrating a group of soldiers. Smiling, the man recognized the massive weapon, and had a strong suspicion of who was piloting it. Taking advantage of the confusion, the man grabbed the pistol from the holster of the soldier in front of him, shooting him in the chest and firing at the soldiers behind him. He then leapt off of the wall, landing on top of the tiger tank. Grabbing the tiger’s mane of thick strands of weaved metal hair, the man held on tightly as the tank began to dash forward, destroying all in it’s path. Every soldier on the battlefield soon focused their attention on the behemoth, ceaselessly firing clouds of lasers and rockets at the massive target. Though their barrage eventually began to wound the beast, breaking through it’s protective shielding, the tank continued on with it’s assault unfazed, effortlessly blasting soldiers to pieces and swatting helicopters out of the sky.

Having done a great deal of damage to the IME forces, the woman decided that it was finally time to make an escape. Pushing forward, the tiger fired a laser from it’s mouth as it leapt over the compound’s wall, striking the detention facility and reducing it to rubble. Racing down the hill, the tank had soon made it clear of the battlefield, however it eventually whimpered as it came to a halt. Checking the damage levels, the woman could see that the fuel pump in the tiger’s heart had been pierced, and that it would soon become inoperable. Turning off the tank, she exited, and walked up to the head of the tiger. She then placed a hand on it’s cheek, thanking it inaudibly. On the tiger’s back, the man let go of it’s mane, before carefully climbing off. Now reunited, the motorcyclists apprehensively abandoned the weapon, departing from the scene before the IME forces could catch up to them. Along the way, they spotted another group of rebels that had fled from the battle, and joined them as they made their way back to the city.
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