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Old 06-14-2017, 09:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Default Weird things you believed (or were frightened of) as a kid

Yes, I guess that would include god/the devil but that's not really unusual enough to be mentioned here.

I recall thinking that sunflowers were sort of like telephones for the dead and that if you spoke into the center of them, they could hear you. (I'm definitely going to use that if I ever get around to writing my book of short children's' stories)

I thought that Michael Jackson and the Hamburglar were the same... entity..? for a really long time, and I believed that no one knew but me and he KNEW that I knew and would someday use this knowledge against me. (??) I feared the Hamburglar immensely. I remember sitting in the backseat of our car on the way back from JC Penny, and suddenly becoming terrified that Michael Jackson the Hamburglar was right behind us on the road, chasing us on all fours.

Oh, and until the age of 7 or so I believed that women and girls were only allowed to marry male family members-- I thought that once I was old enough I would be forced to marry the oldest man in my family, and once they died, I would have to marry the next oldest and son on. I have NO clue why I thought this but I remember abruptly dissolving into tears over it one day and my parents explaining to me that no, that's not how it worked.

AND I believed that Prince was my uncle. Like.. a magical, distant uncle/fairy godmother of sorts. It's a long story.

Kids are weirdos.
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