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Old 06-18-2017, 04:55 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dylstew View Post
Those guys are in the metalcore/regular hardcore vein but hey, even if it's not what I'm looking for this one actually sounds quite nice. Not sure why but it has a more fun energy compared to other metalcore, Something similar I feel with Everytime I Die. Plus I like how the vocals aren't constantly in full distortion.

Anywho, I have experienced the same thing where more effort into making good or stand out album art seems to lead to the better bands. I think the bands who put more effort into the music also put effort into album art that represents them well and catches people attention to what they've created.

With every genre looking through bands can be a slog, but with post-hardcore it's even way more so because it's a big umbrella under which I'm looking for a type of band that's a small minority. I literally need to look between 4000 rateyourmusic albums. God damn. And hearing **** you don't care for over and over makes you stop wanting to listen to music, you get burnt out. So I've decided to just occasionally do some digging​.

I know get why so many normal people never dig for gold and instead wait to get fed, it's ****ing exhausting at times.
Oh yeah I can believe the genre is wide. I don't even really understand what separates most flavours of post- this or core- that, so I have no doubt the stuff I linked wasn't really what you were talking about. It was just the closest association that came to me.

For the moment, I kind of outsource the digging to Ted Gioia. I found his music blog with several best-of-the-year lists, featuring all sorts of genres. I have found unbelievably much good stuff here, even though I didn't think my tastes would align with his. There's jazz, world music, singer/songwriter, classical, pop, rock, and more... He just seems to have interesting taste, so I'm just along for the ride and enjoying the hell out of it. It says in his about text that he listens to around 900 new albums in a year... I can't beat that, so I'm happy to follow his lead. When that blog runs dry for me, it's back to the coal mines!

I personally stopped digging so hard in one specific style long ago. I did it with thrash metal years ago and... it really did feel like it burnt me out on the very concept of music at times.
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