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Old 06-19-2017, 11:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Video Games You Can Happily Play Repeatedly

I know there are several people at this forum that like to discuss the games that you can play over and over and over again and never get tired of them. I'm curious to know what games those are. I'll start this off with some games that I have put several playthroughs into. I would like the focus on this thread to be specifically video games that have a campaign or a story. Not roguelike style games that have obvious repetitive gameplay value:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2: These two games have probably been the top two games that I have played repeatedly over the course of several years, and I never find myself getting tired of them or bored because there are so many different ways you can play them. If I were to put a total amount of hours logged into both games combined, I'd say it's reaching toward the 300 or 400 hour mark, maybe even more. There's something so beautifully captivating about these two games specifically that have pulled me back in every single time. The stories and the dialogue are two big reasons for that. Plus the freedom of choice which these style of games have done very well. Games like Mass Effect and the like also fall into these categories, but I've not actually played any Mass Effect game for an extended period of time to give a proper opinion on it.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: Yes, this includes the original and the HD remake. I've played through this game at LEAST 3 times and each time, I have enjoyed the hell out of it. Before Breath of the Wild came out, Wind Waker was my absolute favorite Zelda game, and it still holds up to this day. The feeling of adventure is done so well in this game that's before Breath of the Wild, it was insurmountable.

Banjo Kazooie / Banjo Tooie: It's hard to choose between the two because I've probably put hundreds of hours into both of these games simultaneously, so I'm putting both on here for that reason alone. The Banjo Kazooie series is perhaps one of the best examples of a 3D platformer done right. And it's extremely unfortunate that we never received a proper third sequence in the series. I've heard mixed things about Yookah Laylee but I haven't played it for myself. But, if there were ever a reboot of the Banjo Kazooie / Banjo Tooie franchise, I'd be all over it.
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