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Old 06-24-2017, 08:23 AM   #6388 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: The Black Country
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If no new questions are posted I'm going to quote some from the early pages.

1.) Have you ever been on TV?
2.) What foreign food do you enjoy most (general or specific)?
3.) Have you ever made a fool of yourself in public? What happened?
4.) Do people in your area play obnoxiously loud music on their cellphones while on the bus?
5.) Do you think you could do better in life?
6.) Do you think a certain amount of daily conflict is necessary in life?

1.) Have you ever been on TV?
Pretty much a certainty given how many televised matches I've been to but I'm yet to spot myself on the telly.

2.) What foreign food do you enjoy most (general or specific)?
I like Indian stuff a lot. Not including that I think if I picked one dish it would be lasagne, but I rarely eat it because it is a bit of effort to cook.

3.) Have you ever made a fool of yourself in public? What happened?
Might have posted this before. On holiday with a friend, he was pestering me to move on to the next bar and to down my pint, so I did this and stood up too quickly. I could feel my mouth and eyes watering and then I threw up, it went over some girl's legs who was stood at the bar, and I just Usain Bolted it out of there.

4.) Do people in your area play obnoxiously loud music on their cellphones while on the bus?
No. From their cars.

5.) Do you think you could do better in life?
Yes who doesn't.

6.) Do you think a certain amount of daily conflict is necessary in life?
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