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Old 06-24-2017, 10:19 AM   #6396 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
Chiomara's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

1.) Have you ever been on TV?

No, though I definitely should have my own show. A cooking show in which I drink moonshine and complain about things (in a velvet kimono robe) while occasionally attempting to cook meals that are far beyond my capabilities and burning down the set as a result.

2.) What foreign food do you enjoy most (general or specific)?

Mexican food!! I wish I could be more specific as it's rather diverse, but I've looved everything I've eaten in Mexican friends' parents' homes in the past. I equally enjoy pretty much all south american, middle eastern and west African food I've tried too. (Which is too vague, I know) So I suppose I can't decide which I love most. I like any food which is actually SEASONED which apparently is too much to ask for in many American restaurants.

3.) Have you ever made a fool of yourself in public? What happened?

Allegedly, yes. Many times between the ages of 19-21. Once, I apparently drank nearly a whole bottle of Stoli blackberry vodka, sang some old 1940s standards, declared myself to be Dionysius, and oscillated wildly between trying to kiss/waltz with everyone and affectionately trying to fight them (these were all complete strangers) with a large stick I found in the yard. I thought that I knew krav maga for some reason.

4.) Do people in your area play obnoxiously loud music on their cellphones while on the bus?

We don't have buses around here. If you wanna get anywhere you have to whistle a certain tune and wait for old Hiram to come around on his goat wagon and take you into town.

(But when I ride the Greyhound, yes, some play music on their phone loudly.)

5.) Do you think you could do better in life?

Yes, clearly. It's difficult because I truly am not at all ambitious in the traditional sense; I want to have a cottage in the woods by the sea with lots of animals and a garden. That's all I want. I really do not care about acquiring x amount of things or achieving anything impressive (I suppose an actual career and stability would be nice, so obviously I need to do better in that aspect; it would be nice to go into social work and work with mentally ill prisoners etc). And obviously we could all do better generally speaking. I should probably volunteer more, things like that.

6.) Do you think a certain amount of daily conflict is necessary in life?

Enough to avoid complacency/stagnancy + spark change in the world at large I suppose.
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