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Old 07-11-2017, 04:18 PM   #45034 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

Horrible day. Doctors are, as always, completely useless.

Spoiler for boring personal information:
I went in to get my eye thing looked at (I'm 95% sure it's blephartis) seeing as it has now spread to the other eye. That plus the mystery rash on my face that's now spread to my chin. I look like a disgusting monster. The doctor poked at my eye for a minute and essentially shrugged. She didn't diagnose me. She just gave me antibiotics. And she was extremely condescending and rude the entire time. Guess I'll be going to a dermatologist + eye doctor if necessary. I will likely end up having to order whatever they give me on a canadian or indian online pharmacy which is annoying because the shipping takes a long time, but oh well.
edit: well, I did actually manage to clear the rash from my cheeks but seeing as I have rosacea I look bad regardless.

And I completely forgot to ask for Prozac. That's the one antidepressant (the one SSRI, that is-- they won't let me try the older antidepressants for some stupid reason) I haven't tried yet. The rest haven't worked at all and I really need something for my OCD and depression but I cannot afford a psychiatrist. Part of me doesn't want to bother ever trying more medication again, but seeing as everyone around me likes to guilt-trip me and treat me extremely strangely when I'm depressed, I figure I might as well try one last time.

Last edited by Chiomara; 07-11-2017 at 04:27 PM.
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