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Old 07-13-2017, 02:02 PM   #49 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Mord View Post
I am of the opinion that ambition should automatically disqualify someone from running for public office. If you're getting into politics because you want to become rich or powerful, you're automatically disqualified. If you come from a rich or political family with a long history of involvement in politics, you are banned from running for any public office.

So who steps up? Well, I hope it's someone who actually wants to provide leadership and help to his/her nation/constituency. Not just hold office to get rich or seize power.

What if no one steps up? Well, then we have a random drawing. Sorry, Farmer John! Looks like you and Plumber Ralph are running for president. Get your campaigns up and running!
How does that work then with the Kennedys? Okay, JFK's presidency had some problems (whose doesn't?) but he ran on the basis of his father's power and connections, and yet is recognised as one of the best and most loved presidents in history. Much of that could be misplaced sympathy of course, but it does seem like he did, or tried to do, a lot of good in his time as the occupant of the house that is not black....
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