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Old 07-25-2017, 03:09 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dylstew View Post
I feel ya man. There's this part of me that knows how I might have felt about it given another context or taste, especially as I seem to be able to kind of turn the emotions off and look at it from a stoic perspective. It's like as you said, it ''objectively'' doesn't seem that impressive or anything compared to plenty of other songs, but it just strikes a particular chord with you. I think for most people, 95% of songs aren't going to hit them right away. Remember when you said loving music slowly creeps up on you?

While sometimes there's a song that instantly clicks, often to really get attached to music instead of just tolerating it, you need to familiarize yourself with it. And sometimes you also need to get used to something that may not be in your comfort zone. It's like getting to know a person, we often need to spend more time with them before we start caring, because otherwise we'd care too much about every little problem anyone has in the world.

We should probably be less ashamed of what we recommend as touching us just because we know the other isn't likely to be as touched, because what matters is that it was good enough to get you attached over time when you were in the right mood and mindset. Some music defenitely doesn't get better with more listening and some even just get worse. And ofcourse, it's also just a cool thing everyone has their own songs that touch them, without it having all that much logical reason. We all have preferences, but It's just a feeling that developed sometimes. That, in a way, is actually similar to loving a person.

My god that got cheesy, incoherent and overly long real quick.
Cheesy or not, it's pretty much true.

About the bolded line: Just earlier this evening, I showed a song I've been into a lot lately to a friend and he said that "it wasn't anything special". I pretty much agreed with it, because it's kinda true. I had it on a playlist for a long time and now I'm really appreciating it, even though it's hard to point to any specific part of it as a good "selling point".

For reference, it was this song:

By all means quite unremarkable, but I really like it
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