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Old 07-30-2017, 02:32 PM   #24 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Qwertyy View Post
unless the music is incredibly catchy chances are i will hate it at first. i have a long track record of albums i've deleted only to re-download them a few weeks later and totally fall in love with them.
Heh. I'm similar, only I'm bored to tears by a lot of songs until I get to know them, unless they have a lot of hooks. I tend to like the sound but it can take a long time before I memorize the song enough to start actually liking it if it isn't instantly catchy.

Originally Posted by Frenchip View Post
Personally, I used to hate Nirvana, Amy Winehouse, and even David Bowie. I just found the music and voices horrid. Now, I actually like all 3 of them and they're some of my favorite artists to date.
Nirvana has the amateurity and rawness of the punk bands he was inspired by. The fact that it got so mainstream actually baffles me. Not because it's bad, but because usually more amateur vocals don't do well. If I show people stuff with off punk vocals they tend to look at me weird, yet Nirvana has "Tourette's" which is basically a post-hardcore track, and territorial pissings which is a straight up punk rock track.
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