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Old 08-13-2017, 01:41 PM   #1007 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
It makes complete sense. A man with a penis is a man. A female, or somebody who appears to be a female with breasts and everything, but has a penis rather than a vagina, that is a shemale or transgender person. A person that has both a penis and a vagina is a hermaphrodite. How is this concept hard for you to grasp? It is all logically sound and there.

So where does the logic come in for me to consider a person with a vagina and no penis or anything masculine to be a man? Because they believe they are? Because they want to be? Okay. Some people believe they are the reincarnation of the messiah and they want to be identified and treated as that. Will you do that? And somebody is probably going to say that I am being ignorant or insensitive for not seeing a difference, but can anybody tell me what the difference is? Or are people going to back down once logic HAS to be used. Convince me of why my perspective should be different and I will change it. Don't just sit there and attack me or my perspective because that's not going to educate or change me.
I'm not entirely convinced of at least certain transgender issues, mostly due to ignorance of transgender issues that makes me an "agnostic" rather than an opponent, but the human brain is so complex that reducing it to penis=man/vagina=woman is doing a disservice, not only to trans people, but to human consciousness in general. Why can't you just accept that this **** is so non-black and white that if you aren't educated on the matter that the best you can do is just say, "I don't know, therefore I have no particular opinion either way"? And in the meantime you might as well just err on the side of tolerance to cause the least amount of harm to the least amount of people. There is absolutely no harm to you if you do, and if this is all just bull**** then presumably logic and science will win out in the end anyway with no help from you.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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