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Old 08-22-2017, 06:08 AM   #1053 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chiomara View Post
Dreamed I was on a small plane with my sister which had to make an emergency landing. My sister immediately ran out, and I tried to follow her but soon lost her. We all only had 15 minutes or so before we had to get back on the plane. But I was lost. I was in what appeared to be some enormous outlet mall (with two long rows of buildings facing each other). But it wasn't a mall; it was a cross between a fancy highway rest stop, a mall, and an airport. The architecture was really strange and brutalist-esque as well. And people were everywhere. Someone finally helped me and led me out, and I saw our plane in the distance, sitting at the edge of a field by a small round parking lot.

It was night suddenly, very late at night, and in this lot there were three people who I had met either on the plane or in another dream. We all knew each other somehow, but couldn't remember how we met, though we all shared the same pieces of various odd, slightly ominous memories (which we all simultaneously remembered while looking at each other suspiciously). One of them was a disheveled, very short and chubby girl with chin-length black hair. All I knew was that she was from a rich family, and was very enamored with the other stranger with us-- a young man with short-black hair and dark, deep-set eyes. Also on the shorter side. We all sensed the slight connection between them, but couldn't piece together our memories enough to explain it all. He seemed to have an affection for this odd girl, (and he always approached her gently and cautiously) who was becoming increasingly loopy while she paced the parking lot. At one point she pointed at the empty space behind her and said, "One day I'm gonna put a HUGE mega-church here!!" while we all groaned quietly. Then, she took a silver coin out of her pocket (oh, it was also snowing now) and threw it down at the snowy grass, saying that it was a magical coin of marriage, and that in 10 years or so, she'd marry the black-haired one. We all knew this would, in fact, happen, but not for the reasons she was hoping for.

Oh, and the other person-- he was a bit older and taller than the other two, and had short dark blonde-ish hair. None of us could directly see him-- it was very strange. I can't recall his features. They kept shifting. I can't recall any of their names, either, but the name Jonathon comes to mind. He was always lurking near me and wore a tan colored coat. But, anyway, we all were led (I think by an airline company that was supposed to take us but couldn't) to a hotel to stay for the night. All in separate rooms. My room was on the top floor, with an outdoor entrance. My hotel key had the number 4 (but it wasn't my room number) written on it in dark blue permanent marker. The black haired one entered a room down the hall from me after looking at me silently and turning away. My bags had been left on the stairs below my room, along with someone's black leather wallet that I didn't recognize. That's all I remember.
interesting dream, thats neat that you can remember the details long enough to go online and type them out. i always wonder what the dream is trying to say, like the meaning of it
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