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Old 08-31-2017, 01:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

Bridge mix is my favorite, (my typical movie theater food includes bridge mix, strawberry twizzlers OR gummy worms and a giant sub sandwich) though it's strangely hard to find. I'm only able to find it at pharmacies around here.

I've binged on these on occasion, too:

^ Favorite gas station chocolate bar (tied with Kit Kats, followed by Twix)

I haven't eaten those in years, so I don't remember if they're actually very good-- I just remember it was like eating bricks of hardened glue but in a good way?? Eating a whole bag would make my jaw really sore.

Obviously I prefer better quality (and less overwhelmingly sweet) chocolate, but I live in America. I do really like some of the obscure no-brand (or old timey) dollar store chocolate you can find sometimes. I like dark chocolate, too, but there's an even poorer selection of that around here. You have to either go to Target or World Market and buy single overpriced bars, and they're never anything outstanding. Might as well just buy bags of dark chocolate chips used for baking and keep one on your desk to occasionally pour into your mouth like an animal.

In general though I'll happily eat any chocolate with nuts, caramel, or toffee in it.
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