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Old 09-23-2017, 10:22 AM   #6718 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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1. What's your favourite animal (pet or otherwise)?

Cats obviously, though Karen loves sharks so much she had a dream recently that she was one. She was wondering why people kept screaming and running away from her, then she looked in a mirror and saw and said "Ah cool! I'm a shark! Deadly!"

2. Of preference, shower or bath?

Shower out of necessity, but for relaxing you can't beat a bath. Yes it is a lot to organise and who has the time, plus when the water starts to go cold it's horrible, but for that first half hour or so, pure heaven.

3. What's the first TV show you really started to follow religiously?

Probably Doctor Who or Star Trek (both originals), though it's hard to say as back in my day shows were on once a week, there were no videos never mind internet, so you watched what was on. You even had to sit through the ads, kids! No live pause for us!

4. What operating system does your computer use, and is there a reason for that?

Windows 7. I haven't the time to learn Linux, and I don't trust Windows 10, though I suppose at some point I'll be forced into using it.

5. Name one good deed (big or small) that you performed in the last year

Saw a woman struggling with a heavy box which looked like it had something breakable, like maybe china or something in it, and took it to her car in the car park for her. I like helping people when I can.

6. What is one piece of technology you cannot now see yourself ever living without?

Guess like most people it would be my computer. I could probably live happily without my phone, having no social life, and I COULD live without my PC: I just wouldn't want to.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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