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Old 09-23-2017, 11:07 AM   #6726 (permalink)
Zer0's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Ireland
Posts: 3,792

1. What's your favourite animal (pet or otherwise)?
Cats of course.

2. Of preference, shower or bath?
Shower I guess, since I haven't lived anywhere with a bath for quite some time. Relaxing in a bath is not something that appeals to me, and I only really have time in the morning for a shower anyway.

3. What's the first TV show you really started to follow religiously?
Probably The Simpsons when I was a kid, and when it was actually good. Father Ted as well.

4. What operating system does your computer use, and is there a reason for that?
Linux Mint 18.

Because I actually like to be able to use my computer, and not wait half an hour for it to install updates before I can actually do something on it. I also like not having to use a bloated and sluggish OS, or having to worry about my privacy. It's also better for programming.

5. Name one good deed (big or small) that you performed in the last year
I like to think that I do a good deed every day by not being a cunt to everyone around me. There's enough cunts in the world as it is.

6. What is one piece of technology you cannot now see yourself ever living without?
Computer or phone. Since my livelihood depends on the existence of both. Although abandoning all technology and moving to a cabin in the mountains is quite tempting.
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