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Old 10-16-2017, 08:46 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Default Raising the bar

Nestled between a warehouse and a death box, and perpetually coated in a grimy film of moisture from the thick dockside air, McTannon's smoky hole in the wall certainly isn't one of the rad-free lounges on the hill, but it gets the job done. As the Rose sisters push their way past the faded red door, a two-headed mutant lets loose a spray of glowing green vomit onto Jessica's pants and shoes.

"Aw, come on!" cries Jessica, as she examines the damage. Leering up at the mutant, who mutters a halfhearted apology through a burp, she strikes him with an uppercut that sends his jaw careening off into the crowd.

Holding back a laugh, Albany retrieves a tattered rag from the floor, and hands it to her sister. "You alright?" she asks through a smile, sounding more amused than concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just lemme..." replies Jessica as she attempts to clean the mess. After the towel does little more than spread the vomit around even more, she angrily tosses it into the crowd. "Fucking balls," she mutters in a frustrated voice.

Stepping out of the kitchen, a three-armed mutant with blue skin wearing a dirty white apron serves a plate of fried ants to a patron at the bar. Spotting the Rose sisters near the door, he raises all three of his hands in a wave. "Yo, Jessica! Get anything for you?" he calls over the noise of the crowd.

"Beer," shouts Jessica back. "And, uh, something to get vomit out of pants! Oh, and..." glancing at Albany she asks "Whatchya want?", to which Albany simply shrugs. Turning back to the mutated bartender, Jessica adds "Make that two beers! And maybe some ants!"

Laughing, the bartender nods, waving a hand and saying something that is washed out by the din as he retreats back into the kitchen. By the time the Rose sisters have pushed their way through the crowd and reached the bar, the bartender has returned with two orange bottles, which he sets down in front of Jessica.

"That the beer, or for the vomit?" asks Jessica as she eyes the bottles suspiciously.

The bartender shrugs. "Both."

Jessica shrugs in kind. Snatching one of the bottles, she pours some of its contents on her pants. As the liquid makes contact with her leg, it hisses and bubbles like an acid. "God damn it!" yells Jessica, stealing a glass of muddy water from a nearby mutant and splashing it on the acid before it can do any more damage. "Where did you get that shit?"

Laughing, the bartender wipes his brow with a grimy towel. "Traded all that hork palm I got last week for a buncha cases of it. Strong as hell, but you know, it actually doesn't taste so bad. It ain't cream, I know, but with our still out of commission, it's all I could get my hands on."

"Well, I ain't drinking this shit," replies Jessica, setting the bottle back down on the counter.

The bartender shrugs. "Fair enough. It's either that or water, though. How bad you wanna get drunk?"

As the bartender ducks back into the kitchen, Jessica stares at the bottle in silence, weighing in her mind whether potentially killing herself is preferable to sobriety. Internally wincing with pain and shame, Jessica lifts the bottle to her lips, and takes a healthy swig from it. After swallowing, she hurriedly sets the bottle back down on the counter and coughs, a thin wisp of smoke trailing out of her throat. Unable to hold back her laughter for any longer, Albany nears falls out of her chair.

Returning to the bar, the bartender sets down a plate of fried ants in front of the sisters. Noticing that Jessica is doubled over in pain, he smiles. "See what I mean? Didn't taste so bad, did it?"

Jessica gags. "Like... a... fucking... citrus... suicide..." Looking down at her pants, she notices that the majority of the vomit has been burned away, though her pants are still glowing faintly from the radiation. "Looks... better?" she asks, glancing at her sister.

"Positively glowing," replies Albany, before eating a fistful of fried ants.

While wiping a pool of mysterious liquid off of a section of the bar top, the bartender notices a fresh jaw on the ground behind the bar. Shrugging, he picks it up, and takes it into the kitchen. As he returns to the bar and glances at the sisters, suddenly the smile vanishes from his face. "Hey!" he yells, at someone behind Jessica.

Jessica turns around just in time to see a mutant swinging a machete at her face. Sliding her bottom half forward on the slick bar stool, Jessica lowers her head and shoots out one of her knees. Just barely evading the blade as it cuts the air above her, her knee strikes her opponent between his legs, causing him to buckle. Kicking him hard in the chest, she sends her attacker stumbling backwards into the crowd, struggling to keep his balance. "What... the... fuck?" she asks.

"What did you expect to happen?" shouts the mutant in a pained voice, dropping his machete as he nurses his groin. "You killed Matty, you bitch..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" asks a nearby mutant, as the noise of the crowd dims.

"Didn't you hear?" replies the attacker. "'Bout an hour ago, in the ring, those cheating bitches cracked her skull open with a fucking chair."

As mumblings and murmors spread through the crowd, a few mutants step forward, eyeing the sisters angrily.

"Wrgh drdn't mern to," says Albany through a mouthful of ants.

"Take... it... easy... boys..." says Jessica, smiling innocently.

After helping the attacker up, the mutants slowly approach the sisters.

What should the Rose sisters do?
A. Run! If they cut through the kitchen, the sisters might be able to escape through the backdoor.

B. Try to talk it out. These gooey mutants aren't exactly known for their intelligence, so maybe the sisters can trick them, or turn them against each other.

C. They should do something so crazy that it stuns and confuses the mutant mob.

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