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Old 02-16-2006, 03:18 AM   #131 (permalink)
The Wetter The Better!!
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: SH1TTY London Ontario Canada
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Peter has a bag of suds that keep exploding near my front passage way.
The Orange said WTF and then ate C0ck and some tastey cherries that didn't give him any good action with his NOSE because of Oranges that had Ghaneria!. Well, in Afghanastan people always give others round and triangular objects that resemble the POPE's testiclites. So, therefore Orange wanted to play musical-chairs with Ron Jeremy because he has Pubic beard that doesn't play very nice :[. Suddenly he realizes he hasn't got his Herbal Essences so he ran towards Walmart but tripped over Katie's bush which had never happened because there wasn't virginity at the supermarket. He fukked an African elephant whom was ovulating, then norweigans attacked Elvis Costello
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