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Old 02-16-2006, 09:08 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
You are all correct. There are no men who ride on horseback in ghost white sheets any longer. They don't throw ropes around trees and hang black men, or throw bombs in churches. Lets all go back to our regularly schedualed programing.

I suppose you'd agree that Charlie Manson deserves not to be in jail because he didn't kill anyone? Rhetoric is more powerful than fired rifle or a gang beatdown. It's timeless and leaderless, and in the age of the internet uncencored and available.

For every Jacob D. Robida out there, I say that the Klan's influence is just as aweful now as it was then. Before we had a concentrated group of morons we could focus on, now their ideology is out there for these one off suicidal psychopaths to pick out and vent their rage through a headless leader.

The point of the Klan being a "racist social club" is irrelevent, poor grammar or not sir, because its still something I don't think anyone here would like to be associated with.

I think you know what the Klan was, otherwise you wouldn't have compared MB posters to them. Which was and is my original point. You can dodge the issue mocking my grammar all you'd like, but you were off base making the comparison and I think you know it.
You are right, I do know what the Klan was. I also know what it is, which is a spent force, a boogeyman. It has no power except over the kinds of weak minds that would tag onto any of the other myriad extremist groups out there. The Klan's influence is gone, they are a thing of the past. The reference of my original post was that the comments being made, mainly referring to a young African-American who didn't tolerate being the subject of one of the most offensive insults another human being can give, were absolutely appalling in nature, and showed about the level of humanity and tolerance expected of someone with suxh extremely misguided opinions. The white man being oppressed? What kind of organisation used that sort of language? It was meant to challenge a few of the posters in this thread to think about their opinions a little more fully. As the events of lynch law in the Deep South alongside the domestic policies of Nazi Germany illustrate, the creeping acceptance of intolerant attitudes is something that needs to be addressed in order for it to remain checked.

But no, barreling in comes yourself accusing me of holding a grudge, when every post bar one you've made in this thread has been a direct attack on me. I'm holding a grudge?

I made the remark about the grammar because your original attack made absolutely no sense. Re-read it, it really doesn't make sense. Your last post made perfect sense. Let it go, really. It isn't of any importance.
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