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Old 11-01-2017, 05:12 PM   #366 (permalink)
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Infester - To The Depths in Degradation

This album is mostly pretty ordinary, at least from a compositional perspective. What's special about it is how it sounds. The cartoonish cookie monster vocals are often ridiculously deeply pitched, which meshes pretty wonderfully with the deep, rumbling bass and the murky guitars. The drums even have a fair bit of low end to them, with a kick drum that's more a low end thud than a typical wet DM click (kick drums usually sound like **** in death metal. Let's all just admit that).

So I'd like to just list off a few things that I like about this album:

- Drums that sound good. Quite a novelty on a death metal album!
- I can heard the bass guitar and it's fat and rumbly! Almost unheard of in death metal.
- Silly vocals! Refer to the outro track for pure Looney Tunes goodness.
- The second last track, Mephetic Echumation (Mnemetic what now?!), is pretty interesting actually. Maybe not mindblowingly original, but it sounds less like stock death metal than most of this album does.
- A Higher Art of Immutable Beauty is a pretty gay song title for a death metal album. +10 points for being progressive.
- Let's not even comment on the title of the song before that one.
- All the soft, rumbly low end frequencies makes this album feel less abrasive than it feels like some kind of plushy, welcoming death metal pillow. It's almost soothing to listen to, even when they blast away.

8/10. Feel-good metal from the pits of hell.
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