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Old 02-19-2006, 02:13 AM   #11 (permalink)
that's my war face.
TrampInaTux's Avatar
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^^haha thats classic.

The only totally crazy teachers I've had are all French teachers. Honestly there's something about French teachers that just makes you think 'emotional breakdown'. The first one was this really dumb teacher we had. She let the class walk all over her and everybody thought she was to plain stupid to care. Until one day she just stood up and started crying. Honestly, she never even spoke. Just got up then started crying. She tried to speak but you couldn't hear her, it all came out as gibberish. She never even left the room, she just waited until the tears had stopped and sat back down, getting on with her work.

Another French teacher of ours was okay when she first started teaching us. But then as we started to talk more in lesson, thinking because she was so nice we could get away with it, she started to get more and more moody. Then the French lessons turned into lessons on how pathetic we all were. And if you talked at any point during these 50 minute rants, she would look straight at you as if she was going to kill you and try and rip you apart. The thing is no one was really affected by it, but if we had been weaker kids then I'm sure we would have been. Thankfully the teacher left.

Yet another French teacher of ours was possibly the most emotionally unstable woman in the world. She would regularly come closs to tears during lessons and run out the room. She would always bring in a senior member of the school, who was clearly annoyed by her himself. It was horrible but also kinda funny, because the kids would always have little digs at her to see how long it would take her to break down. It turns out that she couldn't go through more than 3 minutes without running out. My mate told me that he had a lesson with her and she burst into tears in front of them all, then shouted "I don't give a sh*t!" She spent the rest of the lesson thinking she was clever and strutted around the room because she swore in front of the class. I wish I would have been there.
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