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Old 11-11-2017, 07:26 PM   #6980 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
Music Addict
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 5,184

1. What was your very first car or motorbike?

2001 Hyundai Accent. Used. It's half gold, half silver because of a defect in the paint job, it smells like curry and wet dog when it rains, it has so much rust on it that literally every ****ing mechanic who sees it can only talk about the rust, and last year I destroyed its engine when my timing belt broke, but we fixed her up. My car is like a loyal old dog, and I love it, but it's gonna die on me any day now, I swear.

2. What's your all-time favourite video or computer game?

Any installment in the Borderlands series. The Monkey Island series gets an honourable mention.

3. Name one country you really hate (and if you like, say why)

America, if we're being honest. I don't hate Americans or even all of America, but there isn't another country that makes me want to punch myself in the face more frequently.

4. What was/is your worst subject at school/college?

My worst subject in grade school was math, although in college I worked extremely hard to overcome my fear of math so I could do well in statistics. Consequently, I'm very comfortable with statistics, but don't you dare ask me to solve a parabola or anything.

5. Do you think DST is a good thing, or a bad thing?

DST is ****ing stupid, and this is an educated opinion because I grew up in a town that never changed its time. Now I've moved to the city and after the time change it gets dark at 3:30 PM and I'm all WTF. DST apologists are all "Waaaaah extra hour of daylight", but you guys are morons: DST doesn't give the day 25 hours; it just MOVES the theoretical-hour-of-daylight to 6 AM from 4 PM. Either way, your kids are walking in the dark before or after school.

Further, DST is actually harmful. In the weeks after the time changes, there are increases in job accidents and vehicular accidents as a result of disturbed sleep rhythms. Add to that, the reasons we engaged in DST are archaic and no longer a factor in today's modern agricultural practices. DST offers us no benefits and a number of harms. Hence, ****ing stupid.

6. What's your main medium for watching TV programmes/films etc?

Computer. It makes no sense to pay for a hundred channels when I only watch 1 or 2 of them, and even then only for 1 or 2 programs. Also, I refuse to pay to be advertised to. Then there's the fact that you can watch it on your own schedule and terms. If you want to see a show from the beginning, it's pretty much impossible to do so via TV unless you shell out for the DVDs.
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