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Old 02-19-2006, 05:03 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by some_exotic_booze
Hey thanks for the idea Urban


I love you mom&dad...granmama, poppa dude, granma doris, papa mike, nan&andy, all my family&friends...BUGGY hehe. Josh I'm sorry I left you when you were so young, you'll grow up to be a find young lad, love you lots lil bro...
This is no ones fault but my own, please no one feel guilty. Dana Hart, stop being a bitch and love everyone you can while you can. Oreo&Rachel&Geoff&Lesley&Loz&Ella&Bri&Matt&Rozi&Je ss&Crazy&Sabrina...You've all been such good friends to me, and I'm really sorry we fell out, you all dearly.
Tyler, you've been a bad boyfriend, and now you can answer my question, "would you cry if I died?"...still love you, no hard feelings.
Lacee, you can be really nice sometimes and sometimes rather mean but I love you anyway&accept our differences...
Luke Williams, I actually kinda like you and I enjoy the laughs we have in english...
Mrs. Blanchfield, Mr. Brownel, Miss Hensel, Mrs. VanD, Miss Titus, Mr. Child, Mr. Otto, Mrs. Kershaw, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. guys are great and I love you all in a way.
Paula Abdul&Simon, you guys have got me through some stuff...if I'm having a bad day I look forward to Idol, and I love you guys oh so much. Simon, man, I think I'm actually IN love with you hehe.
Catherine Zeta-Jones...I love you alot're so beautiful and my inspiration and I just love you.
Angelina Jolie...I love you for being yourself and taking a stand.
Everyone be nice to everyone, spread love. Love makes the world go ' with your hearts. LOVE.
Mommy...I love you so much mommy, I love you! There are no words...I LOVE YOU. You, too Daddy, n J, n Buggy, n gram n gramps [both sets].

I love you all if you're on this list.

Oh yes, no flaming in this thread, just suicide notes.
No one really kill themselves, mmmmkay?

hahahaha, you really expect people not to flame you for this?

This thread is just yet another pathetic attempt of yours to get more attention. and yes, I realize that by replying I'm giving you more attention, but let's all just ignore the irony for a minute. I hope a mod sees this soon and closes it. We don't need another one of your "i'm depressed! everyone be concerned for me! worry about the poor tormented little 12-year-old!" threads.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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