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Old 11-23-2017, 12:02 AM   #3654 (permalink)
Lucem Ferre
Cuter Than Post Malone.
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Sounds like real Project MKUltra stuff there.
I've read some things. MKUltra is over hyped. Yeah, it's scary that they tried to find ways to control people but nothing significant was discovered.

Now this was highly questionable because of the people I heard it from are the same ones that say every mass shooting is planned by the government to take our guns. Which is just retarded. But I did read up on Charles Schlund III after being sent an article written by him and it's validity went up. Facts are that Charles Schlund III was a CIA agent who was terminated for selling and taking drugs. Turns out that was a lie and he successfully sued George Bush Sr. for not only slander but also for torturing him. That's crazy to think, some dude actually sued an active president for torture and nobody knows about it. This is where the facts leave and go into speculation, or taking Schlund's word for it. Schlund claims he had documentation that proved the CIA's involvement with the assassination of Kennedy, with manipulating Manson to discredit hippies because of their sway on public opinions on the war (which was learned, or perhaps a part, of MKUltra) and other **** probably too. He claims that's why they were torturing him, he was trying to whistle blow, and that they hired a bunch of bikers to get the documents from him. None of that is proven. But it was proven that he wasn't doing or selling drugs and that he was being tortured. Kind of makes you think.

For me, I have a hard time believing any conspiracy theory that puts faith in our government's competence. This, now this is just stupid enough for me to believe. It didn't even work either, most of America was firmly against the Vietnam war despite the anti-hippie propaganda.

Edit: I got some facts wrong, probably, I don't think Bush Sr was an active president when he sued.
Lucem, you're right, it's silly to talk about what I would or wouldn't do IRL. Glad you brought it up. Maybe you should write an instrumental about it. I recommend a piano paired with a clarinet. With ambient sounds of you hanging from your shower curtain you ****ing failure.

Art Is Dead. Buy My ****.

Last edited by Lucem Ferre; 11-23-2017 at 12:24 AM.
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