Music Banter - View Single Post - Exo's Top 50 Albums of 2017 Extravaganza
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Old 01-16-2018, 11:57 AM   #28 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Mutoid Man
War Moans

If anybody has paid attention to my music taste over the years, one thing you'l see frequently absent from discussion and Heavy Metal or in the case of this album, Stoner/Sludge Metal. I've enjoyed a few tracks here and there from bands like High On Fire or Converge but albums just have never grasped my attention and held it longer for a few tracks. Mutoid Man however have always kind of struck a chord with me. Their earlier work is much dirtier and seems to have this kind of reckless "flying off the rails" feel to it. They hooked me enough to remember their name and routinely revisit. Plus, I generally like bands off Sargent House records.

Their new album War Moans is definitely different from their previous work. It's more polished and the production is cleaner. The aspect that drew me in to the band is a bit absent here.

So why is it on the list? It's a fun record man. It's almost like they're a different band but they still managed to grab my attention with things I just never really highlighted for myself on their previous work. The guitar work and drums on this record are great. It made me revisit the previous albums and realize how I overlooked them. The track Date With the Devil has some really cool guitar work sprinkled throughout and it finishes just really strong with almost an early Mastodon like riff sequence.

The vocals could be a lot better and it's really the main reason why I didn't like this album more than I did. The last track however, Bandages, is probably my favorite track on the album. Vocals fit the song writing very well and the guitar work again was pretty stellar.

Once in a blue moon a riff-heavy heavy metal album will catch my ear. This is one of the few. Bats should like this.


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