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Old 01-27-2018, 02:34 AM   #7308 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Aalborg
Posts: 7,636

1. What is the NICEST thing that you have ever done?
Failing to come up with something substantial makes me realize I'm an a-hole.

2. Free hooker or a free bag of cannabis?
I don't smoke but easy choice anyway.

3. Free ammo for life or a free new gun every year?

4. What's the most $ you've ever randomly found before?
500 crowns. That's 83,47 dollars at the current value. It was a 500 crown bill, just laying there at the sidewalk in a totally deserted semi-industrial area. Not an eye in sight, with a moderate wind blowing and rain starting to pour. Several years later, I learned that apparently you're supposed to bring an amount of that size to the police station, so I technically broke the law in spending it. Oops.

5. Do you prefer clear or dark liquors?
I love a good rum, and they're usually brown. Can be very dark, and even bright and colorless. Since I like a deep, dark flavor of burnt sugar and raisins, a very dark rum is more my style.

6. What do you think happens to a person's soul after they die?
There's no such thing as a soul. I know that's not an edgy answer, but just an accepted fact by probably 90% of the people in here, but I couldn't come up with anything clever to say about souls.
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