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Old 02-08-2018, 04:00 PM   #203 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by [MERIT] View Post
I'm assuming you're referring to the NYC portion. Did you see, with your own eyes, any planes hit the Twin Towers? Or just hear the commotion and then see the planes on TV, thus cementing the scenario? I'm interested AF in first-hand accounts.
Originally Posted by [MERIT] View Post
"Live" is a bit of a stretch. CGI and what not. Plus, the BBC aired the story of one of the towers collapsing 26 minutes BEFORE it even happened. It was scripted AF yo.

Edit: It was actually Building 7.
I'll start my "gratious measured response" by saying that you're entitled to your opinion. You're correct to suspect something with all the evidence of government trickery in the past. Hell, even I think there is way more to the story of who shot JFK and I HATE conspiracy theories. Why? Bad things happen man. The quest to find every single truth is a long and sad one that usually ends up empty handed. I'm not saying believe everything you see or hear but 95% of conspiracy theorists have zero tact when discussing it in public. As long as you have some respect for the people involved, you can believe what you want.

My experience, like I said, was observatory. I grew up across the river in NJ in the land of "I work in the city but hate it so I moved out here so I can have a yard" families. My aunt works in the city. My grandfather at the time did. Half of my friends parents did. I was 13 years old so I was in school when we were brought to the gym and given the news. My mother instantly came to pick me up when she heard and I lived very close to the school. I got home before the towers fell but AFTER both planes had hit. I can't confirm nor deny the presence of planes but there's so much video, professional and amateur, of the second plane hitting so, to me, that sh*ts on missile theories, at least for the WTC.

I got home and was immediately worried about my aunt and grandfather. My aunt used to work in the WTC. Luckily she found a new job a few months prior and she was uptown during the attack. I had forgotten that fact so I was scared. My grandfather worked for a town car business so he was in and out of the city frequently. He had the day off.

So after I calmed down a bit I was able to process what was happening and realized that I could watch from my deck. I have a pretty good view of the skyline from where I live as my house is on top of the highest hill in the area. It's a straight view east all the way to the city. About 8 miles. I saw the smoke. I saw the towers. The TV was on inside and my mom had the volume turned up so I could hear it from the deck. I would go in and check the TV to see what was really happening every five minutes or so. My father was also a firefighter at the time. I was also wondering if he was going to be involved or not.

Anyway, long story short, I saw the towers fall. It was from an obvious distance but I was close enough to see the clouds of smoke, see that the buildings were gone, and, this may be a false memory, but I recall hearing the sound of them falling. I then went inside and saw on the TV what I saw from a distance. Changed me. I knew how many people worked there. I knew that the ones above the impact zones didn't get out. I knew about the firefighters and police that were all at the base of the building. Everything got very quiet and I was able to, for the first time in my life really, understand that death will occur to anybody, at any time, in unimaginable ways.

The next few days I learned of my friends parents, brothers, sisters, who made it out of the city and the ones who didn't. Four of my friends lost a parent. One lost his father and his aunt. My best friends mom who was like a second mother to me got home and looked, literally, like a ghost from all the ash. The town I grew up in lost I believe somewhere between 15-20 residents. I'm honestly not sure.

School was cancelled for a bit. I forget how long. My father ended up staying in NJ because fire doesn't realize there's been a tragedy so some people had to stay back in case something happened in town. My mother was glued to the TV for about two weeks on the couch. My aunt lost a few friends. She stayed with us a few days to kind of get away from it a bit. That was rough seeing her like that.

This is why I don't find 9/11 jokes funny. I don't have a problem with them being made. It's humor. I laugh at a lot of darker sh*t. I firmly believe in finding humor in things to aid the healing process. But whenever one is made it takes me right back to that day and the feelings that I had. Or, really, the feelings I used to have. They say that everything changed that day and I seriously believe it. I still HATE the overprotective policies and procedures that are in place now...but I get it.

This is why I believe planes were hijacked and flown into the WTC. I remember accidentally finding a pocket knife in my backpack on a plane when I was 9. Didn't know it was there. Nobody saw it. Nobody checked. Nobody wants to be stabbed with a boxcutter. I believe it happened.

I acknowledge the weird sh*t with flight 93 and the pentagon but I don't really look far into it because, really, who cares? People died. Nothing I uncover will change that and the people who were responsible aren't going down because I read an article on a website and had an idea.

I guess it's needed though. So you go ahead and dig [MERIT]. Just have some respect for the people who lost family members and who continue to lose family members as the firefighters start dying of cancer from the ash.

That's all I ask I guess.

Hope that answered some questions.

F*ck you Bats.

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