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Old 03-03-2018, 02:51 PM   #7478 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Aalborg
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No one getting on this? Allright then. Trying to do a better job than last time. My last 6-pack was utter crap, frankly.
PS: I'm a little bit drunk right now. Let me know if this improves my questioning-skillz or not. Useful knowledge for the future.

1. My parents always taught me that getting drunk alone was someting losers do, so I feel guilty whenever I solo-binge (which I do quite rarely and moderately, btw). To this day, I still pretend that I only drink with friends if I'm asked. Can you relate?
2. Do you like any mainstream pop music? If not, why not?
3. Do you feel like you're still going somewhere, in terms of your musical tastes, or have you sort of "settled"?
4. Would you ever go vegetarian or vegan?
5. I sometimes think being attracted to women's legs is kind of weird, but damn, there's a 10x chance that I'll turn my head after a long-legged lady and walk into a lamp post than if it's someone with a big bust walks by me. Do you non-leg men get this attraction at all? And for the MB ladies: Do you even care about mens legs? Is that a thing?
6. How often do you think about the brevity of life?
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