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Old 03-03-2018, 04:43 PM   #7485 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
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1. My parents always taught me that getting drunk alone was someting losers do, so I feel guilty whenever I solo-binge (which I do quite rarely and moderately, btw). To this day, I still pretend that I only drink with friends if I'm asked. Can you relate?

Your parents are ***gots. If it's sad alone it's probably sad in a group, it's just easy to spread the shame amongst a group so you don't have to accept responsibility for escaping reality. But either way I don't care, drinking in groups requires a group, and my experiences with them have led me to drink in peace, both by choice and necessity.

2. Do you like any mainstream pop music? If not, why not?


3. Do you feel like you're still going somewhere, in terms of your musical tastes, or have you sort of "settled"?

I'm kinda sorta settled in the sense that I'm lazy about exploring, but I'm still always finding something or other that ends up being at least a new thing or even a revelation. Before I realized how much I loved country I probably would have wondered whether I'd ever find a new genre to dive into, but then I did, and now I'm curious if jazz is my new frontier.

4. Would you ever go vegetarian or vegan?

Veganism sounds pointless and anthropomorphizes animals to an extent that is just irrational. I mean, do you really think bees actually give a **** what happens to their honey? They're ****ing insects.

I could maybe see myself becoming a vegetarian though if I ever develop a greater sense of integrity. I can come up with no logical reason to eat meat in a 1st world country where there are readily available vegetarian options. Maybe it will turn out I don't have the money to pursue those options (I work at Burger King ffs), but otherwise I can't justify not doing it. I'm just wishy washy and like hamburgers.

5. I sometimes think being attracted to women's legs is kind of weird, but damn, there's a 10x chance that I'll turn my head after a long-legged lady and walk into a lamp post than if it's someone with a big bust walks by me. Do you non-leg men get this attraction at all? And for the MB ladies: Do you even care about mens legs? Is that a thing?

I'm not really a leg man, but the motion of a woman who knows how to walk sexy and has pleasing leg contours is... pleasant.

6. How often do you think about the brevity of life?

If I had the money I'd become a Bond villain and kill as many people as necessary to attain immortality. Living a mortal life is worthwhile day to day, but anytime I think of any kind of long game I consider it a crime against life that our impending oblivion will erase everything we ever were so that to our perception we might as well have never existed.

So yeah I do think about it on occasion/****ing constantly. Seriously, the idea that I will probably never know what becomes of space travel kind of enrages me. I wasn't there for the moon landing and now going to Mars may or may not happen in my lifetime. Jesus, at least give me one ultra cool space milestone to watch on TV. If I can't leave the earth on my own or be there for the realization of FTL then I could at least watch the first human step foot on the Red Plant.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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