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Old 04-01-2018, 03:01 AM   #7751 (permalink)
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1. What is your favourite kind of pie?
Don't have any real favourites. I like most if they're made well. Apple and rhubarb pie rock. And since savoury > sweet, meat pies and stuff.

2. Would you steal if you knew you could get away with it and if so what is the limit in terms of value?
Stole lots of **** in my teens. Nowadays I look back on that, thinking how dumb that was.
I make enough money as it is, so stealing small stuff would be kinda pointless.
Wouldn't have problems with stealing a few millions from some billionaire who wouldn't even miss it.

3. What is the funniest thread on MB past or present?
Can't remember anything in particular. Many threads have some top bants coming and going.

4. Where do you stand on the death penalty? For/against?
I tend to be against, because there are no particular benefits from the death penalty
while there will unavoidably be innocent people dying, which would suck.
Apart from that I don't see anything wrong with the death penalty.
We don't have the right to kill someone? Who cares, we invent rights and whatever comes with it.
Life is sacred? No it's not.
Rotting in prison is more of a punishment than fast and painless death? Who cares. Let's be efficient.

5. Do you have any fetishes?
Kinda, but it's not like I can't get aroused without those.

6. What do you think happens when we die?
We rot in the ground. Our consciousness stops, since the psyche is tied to biological processes in the living body and assuming
that it can exist independently is some retarded-ass wishful thinking.
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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