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Thread: I hate grunge.
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Old 04-13-2018, 04:36 PM   #483 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I get what you're saying, and tbh I know feck-all about grunge. It just amuses me that when someone points out a band that is, shall we say, considered to be part of the grunge scene, he immediately reacts by saying oh no I consider them to be hair metal. It's such a childish response, like saying I hate all prog bands - well what about Henry Cow? Oh they're not prog.

No, they may not necessarily be as such (being a RIO band) but they're still considered as part of the prog scene, and you can't say you hate prog but separate one or more bands out of it, calling them something else because it either doesn't fit with your narrative or, indeed, calls bull**** on it and shows it up to be the full-of-holes argument it is.
Jani at his peak was definitely amongst the best. Few singers interacted with and bonded with the crowd as he did. He used to tour main floor on a bouncers shoulders singing with the people. The best. RIP. Grunge destroyed people's perception of music. Warrant is one of the most underrated bands of the 80s/early 90s. Shame cherry pie became Jani's namesake... they really were great. Grunge was nothing more than a certain way of dressing that the bands had that had people finding a word to describe the way music had progressed.You ask any band that was labeled a Grunge band and they will say they didn't name theirselves Grunge. Warrant and Skid Row had some of the best songwriters ever.... Jani, Snake and Rachel were some of the best songwriters of all time. How do you know when an artist has true talent? When they sound just as good live as in the recorded version. Ahhh the good old days of my youth when artists were actually real musicians not the lip synching demons you have dominating the music biz today. Kids today don't know what real music or Rock N roll is. The industry didn't want really talented people and the industry knew that if didn't sabotage these bands somehow they'd have to re-negotiate all the contracts and pay higher royalty percentages as the bands careers blossomed so they killed the scene. The corporate monster that is the music industry exploited its workers & fired them after making their profit.
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