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Thread: I hate grunge.
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Old 05-01-2018, 05:09 AM   #704 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nick1976 View Post
Part of the problem in my opinion is that rock and metal fans nowadays don't really want the bands they like to be popular. So many rock fans are so dead set against anything popular that as soon as a band that they like begins to get popular, they call them sell outs and abandon them (and I'm not talking about bands that are actually selling out, I'm talking about the ones that keep their sound yet lose fans just because they begin to grow in popularity). My son says that there are many rock/metal bands doing interesting things now, it's just that their sound is either too far out there to ever become popular or their fans often abandon them when they begin to gain some form of tangible popular success. I feel like too many rock/metal fans have become more concerned with being different from what is popular than actually allowing their genre of preference to have a shot at mainstream success. On the other hand, it's not surprising that hip-hop is doing so much better given that hip-hop fans don't care if their artists are successful. In fact, bragging about being successful is a major aspect of the culture and as a result, hip-hop fans like it when artists they like talk about being successful. Whereas in rock music, being successful seems to be a big no for some reason. Just my take on the situation and I'm certain there are other factors involved as well, but this is a big one in my opinion. My son says that there is a rampant gatekeeping and mind-blowing elitism in rock, punk, and metal nowadays and that elitists keep new people from exploring and liking the genre and consequently, the genre doesn't grow (in terms of mainstream success). The elitism only grows stronger as hip hop and pop music grows more dominant. That's the sad truth. This is a huge problem. People who listen any form of Rock should respect and be proud that their bands are getting recognition.
****ing hell. Did you teach him that, did he pick it up from you or is this his actual experience? Either way, he's WRONG. Why would fans NOT want their bands to be successful? That's just idiotic on an epic scale. Maybe SOME people, hardline fans, prefer to "keep their music to themselves" or "don't want their bands to sell out", but they would be in the minority. Look at it this way: do you think people would rather see a band they like in a small venue in some town they have to travel miles to, or in a big venue near them?

What age is your son, anyway? I hope his musical opinions haven't been cast in stone yet. There may still be hope, even if there's none left for you.
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