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Old 05-01-2018, 07:25 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Posts: 174

"Very Dark Blue Metal."

Definitely Black Metal, but these days I've sort of burned myself out on it. I've been doing black metal and listening to black metal for about half of my life now. So I've started to gravitate more towards Doom and Psychedelic because quite frankly: I don't have the same sort of flare of anger in me that I did when I was a kid that got me into Black Metal in the first place. Or rather, I do, it's just more controlled and better shaped.

My writing style has definitely shifted. I've gotten to where I prefer major chords played in minor scales, sort of broken down for harmonic and rhythmic purposes either in arpeggios or rasgueado, or if I want to keep a more metal sound to it, I'll take the notes of the chord and break them down and make them into small, fast, staccato sections. I've gotten to where I prefer writing slower material because it's more challenging, the detail has to be wider and the sound has to be smoother and less rigid. So I'm sort of an oddball when it comes to being a bassist who plays mostly in metal bands. I'm sort of the guy that goes: "Okay, what are you, you, and you all doing?? Alright...I'll try to bridge it all together." Which, is what the bass is supposed to do IMO, rather than just blindly follow the guitars and drums. You've gotta add an element to it, but it's gotta be a corner pocket element. You don't wanna lead over the guitars, but you do want to weave with them, and build that weave over to the drums and/or keyboards.

For passive listening, I try to lean more towards things that sound like Cult Of Fire or Nightbringer when it comes to Black Metal, or at the very least a band called Vimur from Georgia that I got to see live and play with once. Or, if I want to go back reminiscing to when I first got into the stuff I'll kick on some old Darkthrone and Mayhem stuff, or for the **** of it if I wanna play something faster I'll start playing A Fine Day To Die by Bathory because that bass line is fun as Hell. I mean it's galloping bass through viking-influenced thrash, what's not to love?
"Like whispers in the dark..."
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