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Old 05-03-2018, 03:31 PM   #165 (permalink)
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My Mind on Metal - A top 100 of great metal tracks: Part 1

Well, not a top 100 since I don't know how many will be on it and since I won't bother ranking anything. So it's a bunch of great metal tracks as selected by a guy whose perspective on metal doesn't align with anyone else's in here. That will make this list both relevant and profoundly disagreeable to you all, but hey, it's not my fault that most of the stuff people rave about is boring as hell. I'm not really that interested in most traditional types of metal bands. Straight forward death metal, straight forward thrash, heavy metal, black metal... you get the idea. I like metal bands that mash things up a bit. Or a lot. Although a few very genre bound bands will appear on the list. No rules without exceptions!

Now on to the list! I'm gonna start at one since I don't know how high it will go.

(1) Stam1na - Valhe

Oh dear, this is one pretty metal song! The icy guitar chords, soft bass underpinning, those vocal harmonies, the dynamic song progression, the melodies... I love it.

(2) Waltari - On My Ice

Pop thrash alternative? Whatever it is, it's good. One of my all time favorite metal tunes. There's just something about the vibe of this track that hits me right in the... I don't know. Whatever spot that makes me like music. If you don't want to hear the whole track, at least check out the progression from 2:50 and onwards.

(3) Dir En Grey - Juuyoku

I'll probably never be able to shut up about this band, so sorry about that if you're sick of them at this point. I love the weird combo of vocal style and musical style. Can't think of any other band that sounds like this. I guess what I often fall in love with about a band is their overall "feel". I use the word "vibe" entirely too often when describing music, but that's because in the end, it really comes down to something very difficult to put into words for me.
Why I love a specific band so much more than another will have a lot to do with how it feels to listen to their music, rather than something that can be objectively described, such as a band being innovative, instrumentally complex or whatever. This song is an example of the unique vibe of this band and it's not necessarily going to be truthful if I try to explain why I love it in terms of composition or whatever.
The specific sound of the guitars and the other instruments, the combo of vocal styles, the singer's voice, etc... it all combines in a way that sounds like magic to me... for whatever reason. Music is alchemy.

(4) The Agonist - Dance Macabre

Stop rolling your eyes right now! I really, honestly love this track. Again, music is alchemy and blah blah blah. I love the riffs, the vocals (she took a while to adjust to, but now I just think she clicks perfectly with the music), the subtleties of the bass track, the energetic and highly mobile drum patterns... I think it's a great example of modern metal when it evolves into it's own thing that no longer feels much like any of the old, foundational metal genres.

(5) Arkona - На страже новых лет/Na Strazhe Novyh Let

I'm not generally fond of black metal or folk metal, but this track has elements of both and I love it. This track sends chills down my spine every time. I think the singer pulls off a pretty much flawless performance here (she's one of my all time favorite vocalists of any genre btw).
There isn't anything about the sound of this track that I don't adore. Perfect from an aesthetic standpoint. Loaded with atmosphere and fantastic musicianship. The drummer stands out to me as well, with a performance that's as extreme metal as it's subtle. The bass player has a pretty unusual approach too and I can't think of any metal bassist that sounds like this guy does.
Very unique from a folk metal standpoint as well. I really love the direction the band took with this whole album.
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