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Old 05-07-2018, 05:22 AM   #8156 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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1. What's one negative thing you can say about one of your friends, family or someone you know well? Obviously, it's up to you how much or how little you elaborate on this.

I don't have any friends left, and to be honest there wasn't really much I could say about them that was negative. They were all good friends. So we're left with my family. My youngest brother, then, is so pussywhipped that he allows his wife to tell him that a previous boyfriend was "the love of her life" and even ****ing agrees! "Oh yeah: he was the love of your life, wasn't he baby?" Who the hell does that? And he let her say that our mother didn't know his birthday! I mean, whose mother forgets the birthdays of any of their children? Spine insertion required, stat!

2. What genre of music did you FIRST really get into, and are you still into it?

You may all be amazed to hear that it was ... Progressive Rock! Yeah, and I love it now as much as I did then, though I have branched out a little.

3. What's your level of gardening expertise or interest, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not interested/black thumb and 10 is TV garden show-level expert and enthusiast?

I'm **** at gardening. Would like to be better but don't have the knowledge. Plants die around me. If they had legs they would run when they see me coming. So I guess I'm probably very much at the lower end of the scale.
Expertise: say 2
Interest: maybe 7

We're getting some landscaping done soon so I hope to get some tips and be able to do a little here and there.

4. Name one (or more) thing you dislike about summer?

Goddamn insects, especially bluebottles and flies! I mean, if I'm out and I see them or a wasp chases me, fair enough. But it's when they come inside that drives me mad. Nothing worse than working away at your latest post or story and suddenly one of those ****ers buzzes in the window. I've spent so long chasing them around, trying to kill or knock them out the window, and I used to have insect screens, but when I changed from curtains to blinds, that became impossible. I watch as winter turns to spring every year, waiting in trepidation for the first little flying bastards to appear. From now until they disappear again, I'll spend time every night clearing them out of the house/killing them before the windows are shut for the night. Hate them with a passion.

5. What's your view on kids; whether it's having them yourself or other people having them?

I honestly don't really like kids. I find it hard to talk to them (though some can be fine) and I always feel they're aware that I'm trying, and failing. They seem more clued-in than maybe they are and that's a little unsettling. I also have to watch my language around them, as I let f-bombs slip very easily. I would never have any, as I do not have the patience and am selfish about my spare time (and can't now anyway) but I have no issue with people having them. I do have a slight problem with those who have them essentially just to provide them with a paycheck though.

6. Is there anyone you would legitimately die for?

Obviously, Karen. Though paradoxically, if I died for her that leaves her on her own, which neither of us want. So murder/suicide it must be.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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