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Old 06-11-2018, 04:41 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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For the first time in a long time, I've been doing some work on one of my game projects.

I was stuck with this game for a long time, since I didn't know how I wanted to handle gameplay areas and felt like some things were missing on top of that. These last few days, I've been solving those problems and adding lots of weapons, potions and other stuff to the game. It's starting to have some meat on it's bones!

These screenshots are from version 48 of a game titled "Cybil II: Idion":

This is the top level screen for any mission or "dungeon" you're in. Complete all areas in one tier of a color to get access to areas of the same color in the next tier.
There's an exit area for each path color. Missions can't be exited until completed, so make sure to prepare before entering!

The first playable area of the first mission. It's possible to avoid most enemies with skillful maneuvering. There's also a secret room!
Brown and grey wolves are the weakest enemies in the game, so it's not so bad.

This screen is not in-game, but an area of the game engine where I'm coding the enemies and keeping track of their status. The three at the bottom, I just made today; "evil witch, kunoichi, giant skull". Took a while to do since they all have a special ability that required some special coding to be added elsewhere in the game. After some tests and tweaking, they all seem to be working very well.
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