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Old 08-03-2018, 08:54 AM   #548 (permalink)
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No Man's Sky
From Completely Forgotten, To Completely Playable

No Man's Sky was originally released back in 2016, and it was perhaps one of the most hyped up games that the gaming world had ever seen, at least that's how it felt. You've probably heard of Sean Murray, or you've at least seen his name thrown around. Well, Sean Murray is one of the founders of Hello Games, which of course it the developer behind No Man's Sky. Ring any bells? Well, read onwards.

When No Man's Sky was originally released, the reason behind all the hype was due to potentially one man and one man only, Sean Murray. In interviews and reveals about the game during its initial "hype adventure", there were several things promised for No Man's Sky by Sean Murray himself like multiplayer and unique things to the game that will make it feel truly open and unique. But yet, when the game was released, none of what was promised was in the game. In its original form, No Man's Sky was barren, boring, and nothing to really do. It was basically an open sandbox with planets. You couldn't even see other people playing. It was a pretty big mess and perhaps one of the biggest disappointments in video game history. Of course, to be expected, as people realized they had been lied to, the game was instantly refunded to tons and tons of players that were fully supportive of the hype train. Now, while this is going on, Hello Games sort of became hidden and quiet for a while. Not really mentioning a whole lot on their games initial release, they just sort of stayed quiet.

Now, fast forward to recently, about 2 weeks ago now? Hello Games releases one of the best updates the game has ever had. It's called the NEXT update, so if you've seen that being thrown around, more than likely there's discussion about No Man's Sky going on. So, Hello Games while maintaining their hidden personality, they also have been updating the game time and time again, adding little things to sometimes big things that can help the game grow. While they were great updates, there wasn't nearly as much hype around those ones than their was for the NEXT update. Twitch viewers and Youtuber viewers alike were all waiting and anticipating one of the biggest updates the game is going to get, possibly. Although some people did have to wait a bit longer, the update brought not only a ton of bug fixes and more things to do, it even added multiplayer. Now, I've not played the multiplayer yet, but I've watched people on Twitch and Youtube play the multiplayer, and it looks like so much fun. Not saying No Man's Sky isn't fun by any means, it is. But the multiplayer looks like a blast. I'll be trying that out soon possibly.

So, then I decided to give the game another shot. I had thought initially that this game was pretty lame. I didn't really put enough time into it originally to even be able to form an opinion because my old computer couldn't even run it. So I can't say I'm particularly biased. However, I have been playing it recently and I'm having a blast. Tons and tons of things to collect, tons of things to build, and a really interesting (so far) story / questline that makes you want to explore the galaxy. The game literally tells you sometimes that it'd be worth it to fly around space for a while. I can't say no to that. Mostly because the flying mechanics and the galaxy adventuring is one of the most fun things about this game. And don't get me wrong, walking around on planets and constructing a base is actually really fun in this game. But nothing beats going into hyperdrive and watching your ship quickly traverse the galaxy to get to other planets.

And yes, the planets in this game are all different and have different things to offer. Rare ores, materials, etc. While that's cool on its own, you can also go into other peoples worlds and see the bases they've constructed on their planet or planets. And if you choose to live there as well, you can do that.

I gotta give a lot of credit to Hello Games and Sean Murray specifically. Because not only did they release one of the biggest games we've probably ever seen, but they also didn't quit when the going got tough. I imagine the reason behind why they went quiet for a bit is so they could just focus on updating the game and not disappointing their fanbase again. And boy, they delivered. They didn't just excuse it and say "well, we tried. sorry guys." They instead took the opportunity to work on a game that they wanted to make and the near (or actually finished?) project feels and plays like a true passion project. Everything is tight and each and every little detail looks and feels like it's been tested time and time again to get it just right.

I'm having a lot of fun. Definitely pick it up if you didn't pick it up initially. It's in its best form now and I can only imagine that it's going to get better from here.
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