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Old 08-14-2018, 02:51 PM   #21902 (permalink)
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That Night in Varennes
Ettore Scola/1982

Why do they always talk so much and so fast in French movies? I'm also pretty rusty on the finer points of French revolutionary history, so the plot was a little hard to follow. Still, the movie has lots of interesting dialogue and some interesting characters. The story puts a bunch of medium/higher class people of various backgrounds together, who disagree greatly in their views on the King, the aristocracy and the common people. It's pretty funny at times, but there's also some legitimately interesting differing worldviews being explored. I can only imagine this movie would be a lot better if I knew my history better.

Confidentially Yours

François Truffaut/1983

First movie I've seen from this director. It was his last and I don't know where it's supposed to stand in his filmography.
It's a crime movie of the kind that has our main characters slowly unraveling a devious plot. Nothing new under the sun there. It's the details that make the movie. Just a lot of small character moments, creative takes on familiar scenes and a light hearted tone that makes it different from the Hitchcock movies I saw someone compare it to.

I liked it, but I do hope that his best movies are far above this. It felt a bit disposable for a supposedly great director, even if some select scenes were highly memorable.


Roman Polanski/1965

Moments in this, mildly put, patient psychological horror movie make me think that you can trace elements of the Silent Hill universe back to certain scenes here, where visual elements of rotting meat, seemingly organic walls and decaying living spaces recall the visuals of that video game series quite strikingly.

Despite that, this movie is decidedly tame by modern standards. In 1965, it must have really been a forceful experience.

I'd say it's worth watching. Just be ready for a very, very slow buildup. But it did manage to be pretty interesting and unsettling by the last act. I kind of feel like the buildup and foreshadowing made it better.

I'm not really into horror movies. If you are, this one should at the very least be an interesting curio.
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