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Old 08-28-2018, 01:38 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Artist: Beth Orton
Album title: Sugaring Season
Year: 2012
Album link:

Singer/songwriter material. This genre is gonna take up some space in this thread, that's pretty much guaranteed.

I started in the early part of Orton's discography. She got her start in the mid 90's, so this 2012 album is fairly deep into her career.

I like the early material, but I'm honestly pretty impressed with her progression. This album enjoys the benefits of both her more matured singing voice, that seems to have gained a whole new dimension since the album "Trailer Park", but the songwriting is also damn near perfect here.

Each song is eminently memorable and brimming with personality. I also love how the album feels perfectly consistent in vibe and texture, while the songs actually manage to touch upon quite a few genres for inspiration.

Beth Orton

Instrumentation sounds great all the way throughout and I feel like this genre, at it's best, really makes me appreciate good quality sound like few other genres. It's so much about nuance and you will get a heck of a lot more mileage out of this sort of music if you've got an appreciation for all the little variations in texture and harmony, the frequently subtle and sparse use of bass notes, the sometimes quietly skittering percussion, and of course not least the expressive nuances of the vocal performance(s).

This album is a great showcase for why I love this sort of music. If you don't get what attracts me about music (been said before by various people that they can't get a feel for what goes on in my head when it comes to music), listen to the song "Poison Tree" (link below) on good speakers/headphones and try to really listen with patience to all of the little details and the unfolding melodies. And same goes for "Dawn Chorus". That one might actually be my favourite, but it's a hard album to choose favourites from.

A really good album. Plain and simple.

Dawn Chorus
Poison Tree
See Through Blue
Last Leaves of Autumn
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