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Old 09-02-2018, 12:29 AM   #8600 (permalink)
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Haven't done this one despite it being from a whole week back. Better late than never.

1. Has a piece of art ever moved you to tears? (Preferably not music but if that is the only one feel free to post.)

Countless pieces of music for sure. Many movies as well (notably: Mary & Max, La Grande Bellezza). Sometimes I don't even know why, because it's never due to Spielbergian tear-jerk scenes or that kind of manufactured sadness.

The first painting that made me cry was this one. I'll never forget that, because I really couldn't figure out why. The title of the painting suggests the girl brought her mom an orange to convince her to let her play instead of working or something similar.

I think that La Grande Bellezza and that painting above were both the kind of cry were you're overcome with how beautiful human existence can be in those rare moments. That movie, seemed to be about that very thing, by the way. Art shouldn't forget to also celebrate life. I feel like it's often about portraying the backside of the medal.

2. When do you think someone is old?

When they start acting old, basically. Once people start using age as an excuse for being boring and narrow minded, it's time to set yourself afloat on a slab of ice and die with dignity. Have you noticed that the people who live to be around 100 years are rarely very old in their mentality? I think your curiosity and enthusiasm for life has something to do with it somehow.

3. Where is your favourite place to relax?

My old couch with the stereo on and a cup of coffee on the table next to the couch. Maybe also a book.

4. How well behaved were you as a child?

Mostly very.

5. Anything annoying you currently?

This question. Because I can't come up with a good answer.

6. What is the best holiday you ever went on?

Haven't been on a real holiday for 15 years
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