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Old 10-01-2018, 03:52 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2018
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Default Help me find specific song about "saturday"

Hey all
Well, I went by a shopyesterday and a song was playing. Went by. But then I noticed the song. It was good. Never heard it before.

Tried to remember some lyrics from the song so that I could google it when I came home.

Tried. But I simply can't find the specific song.

I don't know if it is a cover. Dont think so. But could be.
It's a women who sings.
I would say that the style is a bit poppy, a bit jazzy, maybe a bit lounge music.
It sounded like a song from later than year 2000 - maybe even later than 2010. But of cause not sure.
It's not a up beat super party happy song. Its slower. A bit happy but also melancolic. Dreaming maybe.

So I thought that I heard something like this in the lyrics:
"I love saturdays, comes like a long lost friend".
And something with a "compromise" somewhere - like "I won't compromise" or something like that.
And as I remember it ended with her singing (nicely) "saturday" over and over again.

Overall the song (the last half I heard) is about someone who miss saturdays going out at night - someone that comes alive when it is saturday night and she can dance and be happy.

But nomatter how I search for "saturday" or "long lost friend" only wrong songs come as results.
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