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Old 11-03-2018, 02:36 AM   #22215 (permalink)
Music Addict
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I think I will honestly make an effort to try to start watching as many WW2 movies as I can. It is just interesting to see movies about that war made from different perspectives.

Anyways, "White Tiger" is a pretty good film about..well it is basically "Moby Dick" except the White Whale is now a german tiger tank painted white, taking down the Russian army. The interesting thing is that it supposedly did happen and this tank alone destroyed over 2000 Russian tanks. It was never destroyed but just appeared and dissapeared like a ghost. The Nazi army denied it existence but it was thought to be one of their experimental weapons, able to load fast and move faster then any tank at the time.

And "April 9th" about the Danish bicycle army who kept fighting even after Denmark capitulated because..well they didn't know. I just think the whole concept of them was kind of weird. I just kept thinking during the film "Did they lock their bikes when they left them?". You kind of feel sorry for them throughout the film, couldn't have been great to face panzer tanks with rifles and bicycles.

In regards to Rutger Hauer films, I think the only time I seriously questioned his acting choices was when he did this role:
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