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Old 11-05-2018, 02:20 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unitron View Post
I was previously only familiar with Amaranthe through their second album, so to be fair I listened to the song you posted. It sounds like the pop music that gets played at my job, just with metal instrumentation added, and those vocals apart from the growls just don't sound metal at all to me.

Anyway, there's no point in arguing as we clearly have different views about what makes something metal. I'll respect your opinion as long you respect mine.

I don't know if I could honestly accurately describe what makes something metal to me. I think the main thing is if it can be traced back to metal's roots in any way? I believe that metal certainly evolves, but it doesn't change. Blue Cheer is still just as metal as they were in 1968, and the emergence of death metal and black metal did nothing to change that.
I absolutely respect your opinon - agreeing with it or not.

The way I see it, metal has increadingly forged a path of it's own since it's inception. It only makes sense that the newest branches on that tree sound less like Sabbath than 70's metal or 80's metal. I know your view is adopted by Encyclopedia Metallum (assuming you know that site) and, surprise surprise, I completely disagree with their decisions on what to exclude from their databases.

Palm muted, heavily distorted riffs. Bass and drums that mainly reinforce the rhythm and power of the riffs. Most music that goes by that approach is metal in my eyes. Of course there's a little bit more to it than that, but that's the simple version.

Amaranthe may not sound a lot like proto metal, but the connection becomes clear if you go proto metal -> thrash -> death -> melodic death metal -> modern progressive metal -> the musical stylings of a band like Amaranthe.
That's more or less the lineage of their riffing style, I suppose.
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