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Old 03-23-2006, 05:33 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default cloning ( wait, is that how it's spelled? )

what do you think, would you have yourself cloned, or someone close to you that's died? the reason i'm asking this is because i watched this docu about it, and some people are convinced they would revive their loved ones. i'm thinking, even if it was possible ( which at the moment it isn't ) that wouldn't be the same person, it may look the same, but there is more to a person than it's body. there are a lot of factors that determine what kind of person someone is going to be. also, even if you were cloned, that wouldn't be you, you ( or rather the clone ) wouldn't have your what's the point? some people are convinced that's their ticket to eternal either they're stupid, or just really really stupid....yeah, either one of those.

what about the moral issues of it? is cloning ok? especially for medical research, you're creating embrios, so i'm thinking, it's not very ok.....however, scientists swear that they could use it to find the cure for cancer and what not so....does the goal justify the means?
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