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Old 01-19-2019, 01:42 PM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Originally Posted by windsock View Post
Ros makes me glad I don't devote 99% of my life to listening to music.
I don't think about the percentages,
but it's a lot of listening and creating.
...but I'm still amazed by the questions
that song-searchers seem to give us here.

It's like: I'm gonna tell you a song and this
is they way it makes me feel and I want you
to give me a song that's gonna make me feel
the same ... or, as he changed it to later,
a song that makes one of us feel "that" way -
whatever it means to feel "sad/happy" (bittersweet?).
If it's the former, then how the hell are we gonna know -
especially with a total stranger - and if it's the latter,
then how could the way we feel be related to the way
he feels about a song - or anything, for that matter -
except by accident?

People do that when they come here - a lot of the time.
Right after that, someone posted a Worakls tune
and wanted us to recommend "similar" music.
There were all kinds of things I liked about the tune,
but what exactly did that person actually like about it
that made it stand out? The sound of the talk-over vocal?
The subject matter of the story being told? The flamenco-like touches?
The BPMs? What does it mean when someone wants "similar music"
when you don't know what they like about what it is that they gave you?

There's all kinds of people here where we've learned their tastes
over months or years. I can send elph, or Frown or Psy-Fi,
or a bunch more people, tunes or albums their way 'cause I've
learned what they like, but to plop something down under the noses of
strangers and ask for recommendations, then you'll get some random
shit your way (or, maybe, an approximation - which is what I offered).
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