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Old 01-26-2019, 09:27 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Steam (Rant)

Yo Valve, what the ****? What's going on with Steam right now? I get it, you guys are a platform that allows for pretty much anybody to sell their game or at least have a place to distribute it, but god damn there's a lot of ****ty games lately. I used to enjoy going into the Steam store and checking out the Specials to see if anything is worth buying. I used to find maybe two or three separate games that I'd be interested in, but now I go several pages and not a single game looks interesting to me. Maybe it's just that my tastes have changed, but it could also be due to the fact that there's just simply far too many games on Steam right now.

I will be fair though, the past few years have been really really great for games on Steam, especially early access games like Dead Cells and Slay The Spire which BOTH eventually made it to become a full release. All thanks to the communities on Steam and Steam allowing them to distribute their game. It's a win win. Other games like Death Road to Canada and even The Binding of Isaac all garnered positive community based admiration for both Steam and the games therein.

Those were good years. Lately, and I'm even looking on the Steam page now, nothing catches my eye like those games and many others did before. It could also just be due to the fact that a lot of games on Steam right now are focusing on VR, or Dating Sims, etc etc. It's fair to say that there aren't a lot of other developers making those types of games right now so that's why we're not seeing them. Fair. But again, Steam does allow for pretty much any developer to potentially sell their game through them. There was even a knock off Slay The Spire game that actually made it onto Steam despite getting a complete negative reaction.

This is also partly due to why I've switched more so solely to PS4 because I've just got better games to play on it. I've played many of the games I have on Steam, but I'm just not the kind of person to sit at a computer for several hours anymore. I enjoy just sitting on the couch and having a far more laid back experience. Don't let this fool you though, I still play a lot of games on PC, and will always do so. But it's in far less increments now. And i'm ok with that. Because Horizon Zero Dawn is ****ing great.
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