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Old 02-09-2019, 10:58 AM   #7 (permalink)
I like the green.
DMBFFF's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 252

Originally Posted by rostasi View Post
Good to see that you used spoilers.
Also, you may just want to consider
being a bit more succinct in your posts.
Getting people online to actually read more
than a simple paragraph is a major task,
so having a dozen videos, multiple photos,
huge numbers of quotes, etc. means that
you're expecting people to think you're
automatically and extraordinarily interesting.
That's a poor assumption in this day and age.
Some of my posts are short, some aren't.

A few of the long ones are long due to multiple replies as I at times actually try to read everyones' posts, while some of the goldfish might read only the posts on the page they're on.

As I've put it, this ain't Twitter, or at least not supposed to be Twitter—though I could be wrong.

Also, part of it is pick and choose—I don't actually expect people to listen to all of my videos; and as threads here last for years, I'm anticipating they being in search results, such as Google.

Originally Posted by Key View Post
Thank god.
Sorry I overwhelmed whatever device manufactured in the early 21st century you have.

Poor computers and devices—they just can't take all that info.

Btw, is there an ignore button you guys can put me on so you needn't suffer my verbosity and embeds?

(I really need to learn how to start my own wiki.)
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