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Old 04-02-2006, 10:16 PM   #536 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Posts: 19


I can't think of worst bands.. because it's all so relative.. y'know? but I can say that i hate emo ****, and I wouldn't place Coldplay into the emo gang because:

1. Their song lyrics don't coincide with what emo bands usually sing about i.e. breakups, parental approval and all that gas.
2. Coldplay involves a piano in a combination with guitars, bass, drums etc.. and it's unlike the typical emo get-up of twin-rhythm guitars and boring bass and drums.. emo has no guitar solos and excessive usage of whiny vocals.
3. Coldplay use acoustic guitars CONSTRUCTIVELY.. at least they bother with alternate tunings (not because they're wusses, but hey.. is that guy from the Goo Goo Dolls a guitar wuss? he might be a pretty boy, but he aint that bad, guitar-wise)
4. From their first album to the third so far, i can actually see a progression in their MUSIC, not just the lyrics, but the music as well (I actually thought I was listening to a mix of early U2 and Pink Floyd during their 'meddle' era). Compare that to the sterile and boring piece of turd which lands on your lap when you flick on MTV.
5. I just hate emo, and Coldplay is way too serious to be called emo (partially because I like some things about coldplay, and no, I'm not ***)


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