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Old 09-04-2019, 11:08 AM   #3286 (permalink)
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It's a tricky situation because obviously you don't want the kids to be deprived, but you also don't want people to have the incentive to have another kid they can't afford.

But I would have to say... The struggling mother with 3 kids is still 12k a year richer under UBI than she is currently, so I really don't see how you can frame it as being bad for her.

The idea Yang is saying just UBI and then nothing else changes is not an accurate portrayal of what he's saying. He supports things like single payer etc and has also stated UBI isn't the end-all solution but rather a starting place to build on.

That being said I'm not against Bernie, I just think that the reason him and other progressives aren't embracing UBI is cause they are already percieved as running on giving out free **** by a lot of people and they don't want to push it over the top by writing an actual check to all Americans.

I think Yang isn't particularly likely to win but what he is likely to do is inject the UBI idea into the public consciousness so that maybe at some point it will gain enough mainstream traction to be embraced and possibly implemented by future administrations.
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