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Old 12-21-2019, 01:08 PM   #1563 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
"New" atheism became this, and I think it's embarrassing

from positing Science as the answer to questions of morality and meaning

to generally providing a way for white men to posture as being part of some repressed minority

but by itself Atheism is a rejection of theism and nothing Else
technically speaking, yes, But in general once you throw religion out the window you are inclined to fill that vacuum with something else in terms of answering the questions that religions tend to try to provide an answer for. Cause you might not like their answers, but the questions religious people are asking about our existence are pretty basic human questions that apply to all of us.

That's why the vast majority of atheists are predictable in terms of their opinions on a variety of subjects including life after death, magic, ghosts etc. Those are people who are material naturalists.

Then you have the new age types who replace conventional religion with a more secular mysticism.

But it all follows along familiar lines that generally tend to act as a substitute for the former religion

Hence why I say it's a de facto religion, not a religion per se. It's not structurally designed to be a religion, it just tends to assume that mold via the vacuum that is created by losing the original religion.
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