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Old 04-10-2006, 05:38 PM   #462 (permalink)
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Exactly. The woman wrote a book, claiming that all these things happened. She got 'ghost hunters' into her house, and each of them agreed that there was a 'paranormal disturbance'. The only reason these 'ghost hunters' came to the house, was because of the book that the woman wrote. After all these ghost hunters came and verified her claims, she admitted that she made up every bit of it. She claims that she saw a face looking at them through the window, so she called the police, when the fact is, that woman never called the police in the time she spent at the house. She claims that doors and cabinets were ripped off their hinges, when actually every bit of it was untouched. Movie Buffs always try to come and act like the entire thing is true, and most people belive all the demon jazz is true as well, because the fact that they advertise the movie as 'based on a true story' is absolutely misleading. The movie is about the events that happen to the next family to move into the house. And nothing that happens to them, portrayed in the movie, is even the slightest bit true. The movie doesn't focus on the Man who murdered his family. If it did, then it would be absolutely accurate to say 'based on a true story' since it focuses on the next family, it is not true AT ALL.
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